JUNE 2024
Agnico Eagle Mines provides regular updates on current activities at the Upper Beaver site as part of our commitment to sharing information and sustaining dialogue with our neighbours and communities. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please reach out to us at the contact information provided at the bottom of this email.
The following activities are part of the preparation work for the anticipated Advanced Exploration project, pending internal approval:
Access Roads:
As planned, the preparation work on Beaverhouse Road continues, mainly within the new realignment areas and along the sides of the current road. Hauling of material is ongoing.
The next planned activities will involve surface blasting and removal of material in specified areas and is anticipated to begin the week of June 24. During the first two weeks, the road upgrades will occur at the section between the Upper Beaver site and kilometer 7.5. See work area highlighted in red in figure below:
Traffic management, including temporary road closures, and additional safety measures will be implemented. Signage will be posted daily at two locations (Y to boat launch and four corners) displaying the blasting plan for the day, i.e.: planned blast times and expected associated temporary road closures. The blasting and temporary road closures will vary in frequency and duration dependent on blast location and required safety radius. In the event of emergencies, passage will be made possible for any emergency service vehicles or other incidents that require immediate assistance.
The upgrade work at the McBean entrance off Highway 66 is scheduled to resume June 20.
Road maintenance continues as required along the access roads, including the access road to the aggregate site. Dust suppression measures are being implemented via the addition of calcium in areas where the road upgrades are not occurring.
Upper Beaver Site Activities:
The concrete pouring for the exploration shaft pre-sinking is complete. Surface blasting to support levelling the surface area at the shaft location took place on June 19 with one small blast. The next step in this area will include foundation work for the headframe and hoist room area, scheduled to begin in July.
The construction of pads and roads at site is ongoing which involves the extraction of material from the aggregate pit located northeast of the Upper Beaver site.
Agnico Eagle’s consultant, Story Environmental, has commissioned their mobile water treatment system at the UB site to support the management, treatment and discharge of construction water and accumulated stormwater. The system is currently operational.
Security personnel are now monitoring the site 24/7 to increase safety for all and control access to the site due to the increase in activities.
Work Schedule:
Activities planned this summer, with the exception of aggregate operations, occur 7 days a week between 7am – 7pm. Any change to work schedules will be communicated as much in advance as possible. Aggregate operations occur Monday to Friday only, between 7am – 7pm and include removal/extraction and handling of aggregate/overburden material with loader, excavator, bulldozer, and dump trucks.
Community Relations:
We would like to take this opportunity to share a SAVE-THE-DATE for our next engagement event, a fun-filled and informative BBQ for the whole family, scheduled to take place in Dobie, on Saturday, July 27, 2024. Further details and a formal invitation will be shared soon.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at the contact information below to share any concerns, interests, or complaints related to our activities.
We look forward to talking with you! Please do not hesitate to reach out to Amy Danchuk, our Community Relations Coordinator.

Email: relations.upperbeaver@agnicoeagle.com
Website: www.upperbeaver.agnicoeagle.com
Community Relations Tel: 705.567.4377 ext 4131242
Exploration Office: 72 Upper Canada Drive ON.
P0K 1B0