MAY 2024
Agnico Eagle Mines is pleased to provide an update on current activities at and surrounding the Upper Beaver Project site.
Agnico Eagle Mines Ltd. (Agnico Eagle) would like to begin by thanking all participants who attended the May 8 information session regarding Upper Beaver (UB) site activities. Your participation contributed to the success of the event and the UB Team considered this a valuable opportunity to hear interests and concerns directly from the community. A full summary report of the event will be shared soon.
Agnico Eagle is eager to continue sharing additional details related to activities through the notification of site activities. As a reminder, these activities are part of the preparation work for the anticipated Advanced Exploration project, pending internal approval.
Road upgrade work is nearly complete along the north-east section from the UB site to the aggregate pit. Upgrading of the McBean entrance off Highway 66, which will be used as the main access for the Project, has started.
Regarding Beaverhouse Road, frequent maintenance is ongoing while we prepare for the main upgrades. Preparation work has commenced on the new realignment sections and will include the hauling of material. Beaverhouse Road upgrades are anticipated to commence the first week of June, beginning at the UB site and progressing south bound. Further details will be shared when available.
Agnico Eagle’s consultant, Story Environmental, has mobilized the new mobile water treatment system to the UB site to support the management, treatment and discharge of construction water and accumulated stormwater. The system is currently being commissioned and is expected to be in operation shortly.
As an update on exploration shaft pre-sinking work, blasting and removal of rock within the shaft area is complete. The next step includes pouring of concrete which requires an estimated 8 concrete trucks per day. This work is expected to begin around May 24 and will continue over a period of approximately 15 days. Other blasting may ensue sporadically to support levelling the surface area at the shaft location.
The new section of pole line for the fiber optic is complete. The remaining pulling of the cable from the Upper Canada site to the UB site is ongoing.
Ensuring transparent and effective communication within our community is paramount to Agnico Eagle. By outlining our communication process below, we aim to inform and support community members:
1. Citizens can communicate concerns/questions by emailing: relations.upperbeaver@agnicoeagle.com or by calling the Community Relations Coordinator (CRC) at 705-568-7546.
2. The CRC will confirm receipt and ask any follow-up questions required to support a best understanding of the situation, question, or request.
3. The CRC will then communicate with the appropriate internal teams to investigate and analyze the situation.
4. The CRC will then follow-up with the citizen with a response.
Our team is dedicated to providing accurate information and addressing any queries or concerns you may have. We are committed to providing timely responses, although please note some responses may take longer due to various factors. Our goal is to ensure all stakeholders receive fair and equitable treatment for their concerns.
Thank you for your continued cooperation and partnership in maintaining a harmonious community environment.
We look forward to talking with you! Please do not hesitate to reach out to Amy Danchuk, our Community Relations Coordinator.

Email: relations.upperbeaver@agnicoeagle.com
Website: www.upperbeaver.agnicoeagle.com
Community Relations Tel: 705.567.4377 ext 4131242
Exploration Office: 72 Upper Canada Drive ON.
P0K 1B0