APRIL 2024- 02
Agnico Eagle Mines is pleased to provide an update on current activities at and surrounding the Upper Beaver Project site.
In addition to the notification of site activities distributed on April 5, 2024, Agnico Eagle would like to share further details related to activities occurring at the Upper Beaver site. These activities are part of ongoing preparation work for the anticipated Advanced Exploration project, pending internal approval.
With the addition of pre-construction activities commencing, Agnico Eagle has taken a proactive approach by engaging a dedicated environmental consultant which aligns with best practices for construction water management. Story Environmental’s mobile water treatment system will be mobilizing to the Upper Beaver site in late April to support the management, treatment, and discharge of construction water and accumulated stormwater over the next 18 months or so. The system will be utilizing standard water treatment technologies and will be discharging to a stream northeast of the site. The treatment and discharge of this water is approved under Story Environmental’s mobile Environmental Compliance Approval No. 9048-D35M97.
The exploration shaft pre-sinking is estimated to begin April 26. This preparation work will include blasting over a period of approximately one month with a frequency of every 3 days, and removal of the rock with cranes. This work is required to install equipment that would be used to sink the future exploration shaft should internal approval be received.
Related to road upgrades in preparation for Advanced Exploration, the contractor mobilized to site on April 22. Road upgrade work is anticipated to begin at the end of April or early May, along the section of road from the Upper Beaver site to the aggregate pit, as well as at the McBean entrance from Highway 66. Further communications will be shared once road work occurs along Beaverhouse Road.
Agnico Eagle encourages those interested to register for the upcoming hybrid Information Session being held on May 8, 2024. Further details on preparation activities and the overall Advanced Exploration Project will be shared. The session will also include a question period with the Upper Beaver technical team. Visit Upper Beaver May 2024 Information Session Registration to register to attend in-person or virtually!
Agnico Eagle believes that community feedback is invaluable, and we welcome any comments or concerns related to our activities. Please reach out to us at the contact information below.
We look forward to talking with you! Please do not hesitate to reach out to Amy Danchuk, our Community Relations Coordinator.

Email: relations.upperbeaver@agnicoeagle.com
Website: www.upperbeaver.agnicoeagle.com
Community Relations Tel: 705.567.4377 ext 4131242
Exploration Office: 72 Upper Canada Drive ON.
P0K 1B0